Many of us, (Skrewballs and mortals alike), have taken their fair share of Irish drop shots – Subjecting our poor taste buds to suffer the consequences for the sake of a good time. But fear not Skrewballs! Those days are long in the past. The Skrewball Drop Shot takes things to a whole new level by bringing all the fun AND all the flavor to your St. Patrick’s Day shenanigans this year (and for probably all the years to come). Snag a shot of Skrewball, your preferred Irish stout, and muscle memory should take over from there. Simply drop your Skrewball in the stout, raise a glass to your bartender and bombs away! ☘️🍺

Many of us, (Skrewballs and mortals alike), have taken their fair share of Irish drop shots – Subjecting our poor taste buds to suffer the consequences for the sake of a good time. But fear not Skrewballs! Those days are long in the past. The Skrewball Drop Shot takes things to a whole new level by bringing all the fun AND all the flavor to your St. Patrick’s Day shenanigans this year (and for probably all the years to come). Snag a shot of Skrewball, your preferred Irish stout, and muscle memory should take over from there. Simply drop your Skrewball in the stout, raise a glass to your bartender and bombs away! ☘️🍺
St. Patrick’s Day partying aside, there are plenty of reasons to need a little energy boost around this time of year. Some are getting geared up for Mardi Gras, others are just trying to make it to Spring Break. Whatever your reason is, the Energy Drop Shot is just what the doctor ordered for those needing that extra bang! All you’ll need to do is mix a shot of Skrewball in with a berry flavored energy drink of your choosing and you’re ready to boogie. DISCLAIMER: We cannot be held responsible for any damages caused by a caffeinated Skrewball. Enjoy at your own risk. 👀💥
Last on our list of Skrewball Drop Shot introductions is a fan favorite of ours – the Spiked Seltzer! OG Skrewball’s are already familiar with our mouthwatering berry seltzer + Skrewball combo. If you aren’t, picture a refreshing and bubbly peanut butter & jelly sandwich… But in a beverage. Well we took that very drink, and made it into shot form! ‘Cause if we can on sip seltzers, why can’t we shoot ‘em too? Much like the original drink, this shot calls for your favorite berry seltzer, and, you guessed it, a shot of Skrewball. Drop it in or mix it together, how you Skrew is up to you! ✨😌